World Of Warcraft Top 100

Free WoW Servers, WoW Private Servers

YakuzaBattle Ad
WOW BLIZZ LIKE SERVER 3.3.5 FR, ENG Open 24/24 7/7 Congig Q660 (oc 3Ghz) + 8GB RAM under Vista x64. Forum (in french)
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Project Eden
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AstralWoW Cataclysm Blizzlike 1x
Looking for a Cataclysm server with more working content than any other servers? Welcome to AstralWoW, the first and best BlizzLike 1x Cataclysm server! With Worgen and Goblin starter areas, and all other starter zones working, it\\\'ll be loads of f
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Eternal Dream WOW
Servidores \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Eternal Dream WoW\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
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Dive[BLIZZ] + Dive[FUN] = JOIN US
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6 Obsidian
Raiding Guild of World of Warcraft, Kargath Server,
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7 World of warcraft player search
You can save your players information into database on the Internet and make new friends who play world of warcraft game, find the hottest player, search players sort by classes, your country, reamls, professions, sex or age. Furthuremore, you can bu
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8 Ehgeiz
A Forum waiting for you! we have a big mmo section Reviewing many MMO games and we would like to do the same For WoW but we need you. Join us Today!
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9 H.C.P.S GaMeStaLkeR CoMmUn|Ty
Hallo zusammen!
Unsere Community ist eine Multigaming Community! Darunter besitzen wir 2 WoW Server! Einer l?uft unter 1.11 und der andere unter 1.12! Wir w?rden sehr den 1.11 server empfehlen,da er ?ber lvl Arenen verf?gt,Die schwarze Fenn und v
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10 Clanprovider / Silverdust
Always online and nice game masters to help you out with things come and make this server rock again
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11 Team Reloaded
MaNGOS Ran Wow Server. 1.12.x

Ran on 15MBps down 2MBps up connection
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12 World of Destruction
World of Destruction - Polish WoW Fan Site // Server 1.12.1
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13 Leonidas-WoW

Fliegende Mounts in azeroth, scripts und und und einfach mal vorbeischauen und sich selbst ?berzeuge
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MMOG and MMORPG WoW Secrets, Tricks, Cheats, Strategies, Exploits, Macros, Bots, and Guides for the latest in massive multiplayer online games such as World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, Matrix Online, Guild Wars and MORE!
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15 Gaurdians Mangos Servers
99% uptime, 2 realms, tbc realm soon, V1.12.2 over 2700 members, nice Gms, Fun server and blizzlike server, working battleground, getting better every day.
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16 The Cauldron - Wow server
1.12.x Server, | English and French community | 30x Exp | 30x Quest | 500 player limit | All Instances working | BG working | Events weekly | Updated often | NOT a funserver.
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17 World of Warcraft Files
The Ultimate Download Resource for Everything World of Warcraft!
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18 ~MC~Multigaming
WoW-Freeshard ~ CS:S ~ CS 1.6 ~

We have 2 Servers of WoW, 1x Highrate and 1x RP-Blizzlike. A ver nice Community with friendly Supporters.
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19 Myst of War
TBC, Updated Core, 100x rates, great GM's, So much more! Enjoy the adventures!
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20 The-Dark-Kings-WoW
Weekly Updates+Fixes | max. Usercap ende open | Chaar?bernahme Vom Offizielem Server |

Gratis Item bei 5 Geworbenen Usern. | Willkommens Quest !!| German Community |
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21 HelL WoW
Version 1.12.1 & 1.12.2 . No Lag,No Bugs,Good GM`s
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22 HeadshotWoW
HeadshotWoW BC High Server it's a warcraft world where you'le find frindly GM's, no lag and the most important thing no bugs.Work's with 2.1.3 client.
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23 Public Game Server
Server with 2.0.0 BURNING CRUSADE! Welcome to the great virtual World of Warcraft! Friendly administration, good server team, working quests, XP rates:2.5 and more, more and more....
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24 West Coast Mangos
West Coast Mangos is currently running version 1.12.2 NO LAG, Quests Working, GM's Available Almost Anytime, All skills working includeing pets!
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25 GgWoW Server!
VERSION 1.12.1 ! Custom EPIC shops! XP rate 30x // Max lvl 70 // Everything works !(Mail,Raids,Instances,Bank,Bosses,Auction etc.. // Stable Server! // No Lag !
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26 Lucky INC Network
YO! Lucky INC want you to help us grow!
We need GM's aswell as players, so take a look to us!
We Support version 1.12.1 and 1.12.2
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27 Kaito Server Site
This server creating people who Love World Of Warcrafr. We are not a kids who want just to be gm and have the best character on the server. We want make stable server with friendly community and Gm's. You Like that ?? TRY US !!
P.s Every new playe
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28 NicksHouse WoW
2.3.3 |100mbit connection | 24/7 uptime | LVL75 Instant | always up to date | Free gold on start | 100users+ | Very low latency (30-100ms) | try it out!!
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29 WoW MaNGos Server Simus (Fergana 1.12) !
The best server !
no Freez, no Lags !
All works !
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30 United World Crew (UWC)
Deutscher Server | German | Version 2.4.3 | 70-1000 | Blizzlike & Funlike | Nette deutsche Community | Viele Events | Eigene Bosse und Items | Level Arena | Niedrige Latenz! | High End Server | JOIN NOW!
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31 Brotands Wow Community
A World of warcraft Gameing community, Get Help With Areas, Quests, Classes, And Proffessions
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32 The WoW BC Project
Running 24/7 , Low Rated (3x exp), Nice people, Low Lag, v2.0.8 BC, Mounts Avariables, Quick Instalation...We are waiting for you...
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33 G@m3r's W0rld Community
2.4.x Funrate Highrate und Midrate. Einzigartige Events, vieles immer wieder neu entdecken und eine Nette Community :D
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34 Team Reloaded
Team reloaded is starting back up, come join in on the fun!
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35 Tradewinds Burning Crusade 2.0.0
Tradewinds Burning Crusade compatible with 2.0.0 (6080) 5x exp per level above you. 2x drop rates on items and gold. New starting areas integrated. *NOT EVERYTHING WORKS*
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36 Unreal-WoW
Privater Deutscher WoW Server (Blizzlike). Sind nette Comunity die User sucht. Jeder ist Willkommen.Wir nutzen die WoW version 1.12.2. Haben eigenen Kontinent mit 3 neuen Instanzen und auch mit nenen Quests
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37 DarkWizards Reborn
Best Server - 3 Realms - No Lag - 2 Delicated Hosts - One For The Server One For The Database - Custom Stuff - And Much More !
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38 Hard Boyz|Gaming & Community
Wir sind eine Mischung aus Multigaming Clan und Community. Bei uns findet Ihr immer die aktuellen News ?ber Games, Hard- und Software.
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39 WoW.WaR1ors
| WoW.WaR1ors | Ver: 1.12.1 | UpTime: 27/7 | Reg: | Realmlist: | Rates: High | MaxLevel: 85 |
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40 The burning crusade server [2.0.10]
The best server outland and 2 new characters go and play for free
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41 Agama`gor PVP Server
::30x XP::10x Drop::150Users Cap::No LAG!!::Honor Work::100mbit connection::
Friedly GM!::
Thanks! :)
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42 Digitalhell Saga The rebirth 2.2.3
The best private wow around custom up to lvl 200

Custom zones with custom mobs hundreds of custom items, high rates

online 24/7 supports 2.2.3
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43 Fire-of-Deamon 2.0.8 - 2.0.12 TBC
Kostenloser Guter Laggfreier Wow Server. Clientpatsch 2.0.8 - 2.0.10 -2.0.12
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44 Cursed WoW TBC Server
Very Good Server For WoW TBC 2.0.8/2.0.10
Rp rate , Drop Rate : Hight
Level Cap : 70
Outwhant is spawned , all quest worck
No More Lag .. !
Good Game !
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45 communautexu
Serveur Priv? Burning Crusade
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46 KoZ WoW TBC server
-=FuN TBC server=- wow patch 2.0.8, 2.0.10
MAX Level- 90

Rate.XP.Kill = 40
Rate.XP.Quest = 50
Rate.XP.Explore = 30

Rate.Drop.Items = MaX
Rate.Drop.Money = 40
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47 Revenge of Darkness
Wir sind ein Deutscher Highrate Server mit der aktuellen WoW Wotlk Client Version 3.0.8a. Wir sind auf der Suche nach netten Spieler...

70 Rates.
Blizzlike Bosse.
Lagfreies Spielen

Wir hoffen euch bei uns begr??en zu d?rfen
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48 BlackRock Burning Crusade
BlackRock Burning Crusade Gameserver


Freut euch auf FEATURE wie -->>

-> T1/ T2/ T3/ T4/ T5 Sets
-> W?RFE
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49 Frankenstein Shard
Best shard ever!
Frozen Well Fun High Rates Wrath of the Lich King,
Emerald Dream Blizzlike 1X The Burning Crusade,
1 gbit uplink
No Lag,
Perfect instance!
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50 Haste WoW Burning Crusade
1000mbit Connection :: 100+ User Cap / 300 User Cap :: 2.0.10 Server :: Lag-Free :: Friendly GMs :: Discussion Boards :: Constant Uptime :: PVP :: Dedicated Server :: Events :: High Exp Server :: Dual Core :: Custom Contents
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