- | In:- | Out:- | |
gamesportal.podzone Ver 3.2.2a PvP Server х100; Blizzlike \\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n All instances working; Custom Items & Events;Great Admins; Server online 24/24 7/7 Welcome.... | In:0 | Out:197 |
Reality-Gaming 2.4.3 WoW 2.4.3 TBC Private Server, Instant 70 - Fun Server, No Lag , Friendly Gm\'s, 24/7 Online, Full PvP System , Vote and get rewarded , Cool Design. What are you waiting for ? Join us now! | In:0 | Out:203 |
ZigiScape || Working Skills || Amazing PK || 100% Curse Prayers || 100% Dragon Claws || Chaotic Weapons & Armors || Mini games || Full GDW || Skillcape Emotes || Clan Chat || Loot/Coinshare || No Dupes || Corporeal Beast || | In:0 | Out:225 |
Kyubi scape Looking for admin and host and coders app are open it is a hamachi server with friendly game masters and soon to be opening and spot for ideas and more | In:0 | Out:212 |
![]() Paper Airplane Flight Simulators Free Paper Airplane Flight Simulators and interactive 3D animations to fold +50 models of paper airplanes and paper boats, that guided you, step to step, in the construction. | In:0 | Out:199 |
WOWLOST 2.4.3 Now server 2.4.3 fun level cap 1 all instance gogog | In:0 | Out:217 |
WantedMu Season 2.Exp50 Drop 70%. Characters` stats reseted. | In:0 | Out:208 |
Fatal Combat Many paths lie before you, which one will you take? Go under the radar or make a name for yourself right away? Scavenge the streets, deal drugs, attend classes, get a cover job, and make your way to the top of the pecking order. No matter what path y | In:0 | Out:337 |
Bienvenidos MuFalco Voten For You | In:0 | Out:229 |
BlazeX - 24/7 - 317 - PK & Skill Over 500 registered players! No Lag (guarenteed) 24/7 Friendly, non-asshole Staff Heavaly Coded Delta Source ALL Working Skills and Attacks Established Economy All 508 Weapons & Armor in a 317 server Working Buy ’X’ Amount Can Actually Pick | In:0 | Out:247 |
Linkos BG Mu Online Linkos BG Version 97d+99i Experience 1000x Drops 100% PVP Online Linkos BG Total Accounts 24 Total Characters 25 Total Guilds 3 | In:0 | Out:202 |
Illusionistas WoW Illusionistas WoW, 5 realms, Custom Instances 100% Bug Free! 99.9% Lag Free! Spells 99% working! Dedicated Server. \\\\\\\"Why Not Check it Out! Illusionistas WoW, Where Gaming Starts! | In:0 | Out:206 |
CryptChaos Not best but good RSPS.Please join now! | In:0 | Out:158 |
Juda-RO Free High Rates Ragnarok Online Server * THIRD JOB CLASSES WORKING / FUNCIONANDO\\r\\n* RATES 7K/5K/2K \\r\\n* MVP DROP 8% \\r\\n* MOB DROP 10% \\r\\n* MAX BLVL 260 \\r\\n* MAX JLVL 160 \\r\\n* MAX ATK SPEED 195 \\r\\n* CUSTOM ITEMS \\r\\n* CUSTOM QUESTS \\r\\n* ACTIVE WOE \\r\\n* DAILY | In:0 | Out:209 |
SVEJK-WOW BEST HIGH-RATES BLIZZLIKE SERVER 3.2.2a Blizzlike High-Rates :: 3.2.2a WoTLK Patch :: No donor gear :: Vote and be rewarded :: Best Emulator :: 24/7 online | In:0 | Out:209 |
Legitscape Working dragon claws, working godsword specs, Helpfull staff, nice community, and great fourms! join now =) | In:0 | Out:681 |
L][ Spray XP - 33x; SP - 33x; Adena - 66x; Drop - 66x; Spoil - 66x; Party 2x. | In:0 | Out:281 |
FlyForFire FlyForFire is a German Pserver | In:0 | Out:177 |
L2Heavens Gracia Final server with rates x5000, adena x10000. GM Shop, 2h buffs,Farm zones | In:0 | Out:232 |
WoW KisS Fun Server Fun server 3.2.2a. 100mb/s internet.\\r\\nNo lags! (Rus) | In:0 | Out:236 |
L2 Ttan serve l2 interlud | In:0 | Out:223 |
-=Mu Elite=- El mejor servidor mu online 99b exp : 5000 x Drop: 80& 24 hs Online! Y 0 % LAGG!!!! їNo me crees? Entra y comprobalo vos mismo! | In:0 | Out:221 |
L2 Czech][Elite 50x New Server Gracia Epilogue 50x rate online 24/7 nonstop | In:0 | Out:222 |
L2Prime NO CUSTOM ITEMS! CUSTOM FARMING SYSTEMS,\\r\\n** CUSTOM Hero and Noble System!** , 50x,\\r\\nFor Best PLAYERS! | In:0 | Out:210 |
Rune~Realms Runescape Private Server | In:0 | Out:202 |
L][PHOENIX GRACIA FINAL Hello Everyone!\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n.::Server Info::.\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nExp Rate: 450x\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nSp Rate: 500x\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\nAdena Rate: 1000x\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\r\\\ | In:0 | Out:202 |
WoW-NaTioN 2.4.3 Supports 2.4.3 ||| Blizzlike Rates ||| FULLY SCRIPTED INSTANCES ||| GOOD GMs ||| 86% Working Quests ||| COOL EVENTS ||| SERVER UPTIME 24/7 | In:0 | Out:314 |
VengPkers [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/2qty593.png[/IMG] Indeed, Veng Pkers has returned. Started in October, 2008, I have brought it back, with better features, better stability, and an overall better server. Client: client.reforced.net Webclient: http: | In:0 | Out:235 |
k1llzscape starter server , need players and staff,easy skilling and money making, pking, kbd , minigames (like barrows and much more) , kq, and much more.. enjoy. | In:0 | Out:200 |
Whipscape 24/7 No lag pking 24/7 no lag pking. Great staff, constant updates, always working. Staff is earned, you cannot donate for it which makes it so there are no corrupt staff. | In:0 | Out:290 |
L2HPvzla Server interlude pvp 100% hispano y sin custom,con 1 sub acumulativa.A que esperas para unirte a esta gran comunidad | In:0 | Out:234 |
DIVINE MU SEASON 4 | [BG] SEASON 4 | EXP 9999 | DROP 100% | BOX OF KUNDUN +1+2+3+4+5 AND WINGS 2nd & 3rd LVL IN SHOP | NEW ITEMS | JOIN US !!! | In:0 | Out:188 |
Enigma Mu Online EnigmaMU SEASON 4-5 | Exp: 80x | Drop: 50% | Exc Drop: 1% | BB: OFF | Spots: Yes | Res : 250, 251,...400 | RakLion Event 24/7 Deciated Server | Socked System | OptionBot: YES (ON Web site) | Connection:1Gbit/s!!! | In:0 | Out:261 |
Infernal Cabal Online - New World Exp : 350x|Skill : 1000x|Craft : 1000x|Drop : 2x|Bomb : 20x|ItemXX : 2Drops|Alz : 500x|ResetSys :Disabled|ServMode : PvP|Registered accounts:2224 |Characters created: 2322|New Starter Gear|Mithril Skins|Ep3 Items|Pets|SigMetal|Max lvl:250|Start Ponts | In:0 | Out:261 |
TheClanMu! S4 EP2 1.5T S4 EP2 500x 50% drop,bb off, all events on | In:0 | Out:227 |
http://eernity-wow.de.tl Herzlich wilkommen auf dem Eternity-WoW 3.2.2a Server Der server ist seit 24.12.09 on. Hamachi: ID:Eternity-WoW Server 3.2.2a PW:wow oder 123 Alles steht auf der Hompage.Liest euch alles durch bitte | In:0 | Out:183 |
MuCarmen Server S2 exp100 drop75 online 24/7 | In:0 | Out:198 |
WoW-Phoniex Открылся новый сервер игры World Of Warcraft - WoW-Ngs 1)Наш сервер поддерживает патч Burning Cruasage 3.2.2a 2)Realmlist: set realmlist 3)У сервера хорошое железо. 4)Онлайн пока что маленкий но мы делаем всё возможное что бы его по | In:0 | Out:202 |
l2Ermis Interlude Info: GM Shop Custom buffer Rebirth Global Gatekeeper Noblesse with no quest Sieges Events Olympiad NO Donations Rates: Enchant safe+4/max +16 Exp 100x Sp 100x Adena 1000xx | In:0 | Out:211 |
Battle Dekaron - BattleNetworks 4000x Rates|| LvCap: 250|| 10x RB| New Classes| +145 Weapons|| Donation Gear|| Events every weekend| 15 Stats per lv|| Vost 4 Coins|| ~Looking for GM,DEV,MOD, HOST,~ Apply NOW~! | In:0 | Out:336 |
ZigZag Mu Online Server A New Server, Join Now!!!\\r\\n5000x exp, 80x drop but exe drop rate HUGE!!! top voting event!!! top voters get nice prizes!!!\\r\\nDon\\\\\\\'t Think...Don\\\\\\\'t Guess...just move along and Join Now!!! =P | In:0 | Out:225 |
L2Promisance *05.01.2010 Gracia Final x300 x300 x50 , TvT, GM SHop, NPc Buffer,3h buffs,Farming area,Friendly GM, No Lag , Stabile Server, Just Join and see. Have fun! | In:0 | Out:166 |
Fr3dscape pk WOW 24/7~PK ~2 owners~ vps ~ owner is nate ~ 317 ~ custom items ~ best pvp ever :O | In:0 | Out:200 |
SerenityStory v75! We are now Official [24/7] NonHamachi Fully Working KoC and Dojo We just wiped [Rebirths][All-in-one-shop][rewardnpc][SuperRebirth][NeedGMs][NeedGFX][AutoBan][NonHamachi][v75][KoC][Dojo][UniversalNPC][@goto][Trade][Soon Custom WZ edits][FM Spawns 2-2 | In:0 | Out:250 |
IntroWorld Rates x25 |vendor: tier 2 and items +60lvl-started + 150gold start money | best admins | WELCOME | In:0 | Out:200 |
insane Gaming Underground iGU. insane Gaming Underground. A clan that has been around since early 2006. iGU represents all games. We play xbox live, pc, wii, playstation etc.. Join today and fulfill your inner gamer! | In:0 | Out:207 |
| Mu Style ~ Style Games | Style mu 1.2n s2-- exp 800/60%\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | In:0 | Out:226 |
WoW THCemu 3.2.2a Wir bieten Euch einen kostenlosen Blizzlike дhnlichen WoW Server an. Darьber hinaus bieten wir support im bereich eigener Server und Gebietsmodeling | In:0 | Out:193 |
http://eternaldreamwow.no-ip.biz/news.php server blizz 3.2.2a | In:0 | Out:189 |
http://mu.orc.lv Открылся новый сервер MuOnline! Season 3 Episode1 Exp 800% & Drop 80% Good Spots,Shops,Admin s | In:0 | Out:201 |
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